Sprinkle Kindness Like Confetti

June 19 - 22, 2025

Welcome to SSHR!

For 46 years, with the exception of 2020, Breitenbush has hosted Summer Solstice Healing Retreat. SSHR is like a family reunion where we share music, workshops, healing modalities, laughter, conscious childcare (in Youth Village), Karma Yoga and the kind of world we wish to live in 365 days a year.. SSHR reminds us that such a world is possible.

Have you been attending for decades? Would you like to join us for the first time? 

  • This webpage is THE spot for SSHR information. 

  • This site will be updated as we have additional information to share. 

  • The job of the SSHR Registrar and the SSHR Event Coordinator is time consuming. Please use this webpage to answer your questions before contacting us at sshr@breitenbush.com. Please don’t contact the Breitenbush Office, they won’t have the information you need.

  • The price for this year’s SSHR is $250-$1000 per adult, $100 for children 4-12, $150 for teens 13-18. Children under 4 are admitted free. 

  • Breitenbush is still on the brink of survival. We have set the minimum price low because we know that SSHR is the only time some folks can afford to visit Breitenbush. We want to maintain this opportunity for lower-income guests but we ask that those who can give more do so. We’ve accomplished a lot since the 2020 Lionshead Complex Fire burned down half of our buildings, melted most of our vehicles, destroyed our maintenance facility, tools & machinery, and dispersed our staff. Rebuilding Breitenbush will take years. If you’re able, please pay more than the minimum so we can continue to rebuild this beautiful sanctuary. Speaking of sanctuary - the beloved Sanctuary will be under construction during Summer Solstice.

Registration begins on Sunday, March 16th at 5:00 PM. When you register we will ask about your lodging needs. We will take into consideration age, health-issues, family situations and other factors. It’s a tradition (and necessity) at SSHR that the majority of attendees camp in Strawberry Meadow.

Last year we were unable to meet the huge demand for vehicle camping spots. This year we are adding a new vehicle camping area called Solar Flats. It’s located between the Grove Rooms and the Mushroom Yurts, where the old cabins used to be. This area is great for vehicles with solar panels and rigs that are harder to maneuver in tighter spaces, like our established vehicle camping spots.

All of Breitenbush’s golf carts were destroyed in the fire, and the Breitenbush staff is much smaller than before the fire. Breitenbush doesn’t have the capacity to transport guests with mobility needs in golf carts as we have in the past. We're sorry, but this is our reality for now.

Cancellations & Refunds: This year, we have decided to allow for cancellations and refunds of SSHR registrations according to our event-cancellation policy. The policy is as follows: Cancellation and refund requests submitted at least 14 days prior to the start date of this event will be accepted, and the full balance will be refunded minus a $50.00 service charge. Requests submitted less than 14 days prior to the start date of this event will be accepted, but a refund will only be applied if the space can be filled from our wait list. The $50.00 service charge will still be collected.



4:00 - 11:00pm Registration/Parking • at the front gate

6:00 - 7:30pm Dinner   Front Lawn

6:30 - 7:30pm Spiral Tubs and Sauna cleaned

7:30 - 8:15pm Opening Ceremony Front Lawn

8:30 - 10:00pm Sacred Sound Journey with Tom & Aiyanna North Wing


7:00– 8:00 am Morning Tea and Fruit (no bells ring)

8:30– 10:00 am WORKSHOP 1

10:30 am-12:00 pm Brunch

11:00 am- 12:00 pm Spiral Tubs and Sauna cleaned

11:45 am– 4:45 pm Youth Village activities • Vista Meadow 

12:00- 1:30 pm WORKSHOP 2

2:00- 3:30 pm WORKSHOP 3

4:00- 5:30 pm WORKSHOP 4

5:00- 6:30 pm Dinner

5:30- 6:30 pm Spiral Tubs cleaned

7:15 pm Children’s Talent Show • North Wing

8:00 pm Know Talent Show • North Wing


7:00 - 8:00am Morning Tea and Fruit (no bells ring)

8:30 - 10:00am WORKSHOP 1 

10:30am - 12:00pm Brunch

11:00am - 12:00pm Spiral Tubs and Sauna cleaned

11:45am - 4:45pm Youth Village activities • Vista Meadow  

12:00 - 1:30pm WORKSHOP 2

2:00 - 3:30pm WORKSHOP 3

4:00 - 5:30pm WORKSHOP 4

5:00 - 6:30pm Dinner

5:30 - 6:30pm Spiral Tubs cleaned

7:30pm Ritual with music byJohanna • Front Lawn

8:30pm Concert/Dance with Robin Jackson & Friends • Front Lawn

9:30pm - 12:30am Bonfire, Ritual and Music Circle • at the Floodplain Fire Pit

10:00pm Procession of the Ancestor Tree from The Inner Path Altar to The Bonfire (bring instruments)


8:30 - 10:00 am MORNING WORKSHOP (no bells ring)

9:00 - 11:00 am Please pack your stuff in your vehicle

9:30 - 11:00 am Breakfast (this is the last meal served during the Gathering)

11:30 - 12:30 am Children’s Closing Circle- Youth Village Area
Children will reunite with their parents in the center of the circle after Spiral Dance

11:30 - 12:30 pm Adult Giveaway Circleon the Front Lawn

1:00 pm Spiral Tubs and Sauna will close for cleaning

  • Please collect all of your belongings

1:30 Lost and Found is at Workshop Central. 

Please check that you haven’t left anything before you leave.


Thanks for sharing your magic. See you all next year!


  • SSHR begins at 4PM on Thursday. If you arrive before 4 you will be welcomed by SSHR Council Volunteers at the Breitenbush turn off of Forest Service Road 46. SSHR is coordinated by the SSHR Volunteer Council in conjunction with the Breitenbush Community. It is a community-run event and you’re an important part of this community. Attendees make SSHR happen through engaging in Karma Yoga, offering Workshops, Alternative Healing and just adding your kind, generous energy to the event.

  • Just before 4PM our Volunteers will lead cars up to the Breitenbush entrance. A Registration Volunteer will greet you and check you in. The driver of the vehicle will be given a parking tag for the vehicle (and a tent tag if they are camping in the meadow.) Once everyone in your vehicle is fully checked in, and given appropriate tags, a parking team member will guide you to your parking spot. During SSHR the designated driver may be asked to move their car to let another attendee out in case of an emergency. Our Parking Crew are Tetris Masters!

  • Folks staying in their personal vehicle will be led to their spot by a volunteer.

  • The Registration and Parking Teams spend most of SSHR in the Parking Lot. They appreciate when musicians play, and workshops happen, in the Cart Shed. What a sweet way to do your Karma Yoga!

  • Once you’re parked you probably need to find a cart so you can move your gear to your accommodations. Please be mindful (and thoughtful) that there are a limited number of carts and a lot of folks need them. Please return carts to the Cart Shed or Parking Lot as quickly as possible so everyone can move their gear in harmony.


  • Breitenbush serves two meals a day, with an additional light food offering from 7-8 Friday & Saturday mornings. You’re welcome to bring snacks, but please keep them in air-tight containers or in your vehicle. Squirrels and other critters chew through tents and scavenge for food around the Lodge. You’re in the forest. Open containers make a huge mess and can cause other problems.

  • BRING YOUR OWN DISHES, CUPS  AND UTENSILS. At least twice as many guests attend SSHR than usual. To keep costs and staff-overload down you are responsible for washing and providing your own dishware. There are hooks to hang dishware bags near the sink area.

  • The Bell System: The bells let you know what’s happening.

    3 Rings = Mealtime

    6 Rings = Workshops & Evening Activities Begin 

Karma Yoga

Everyone is asked to do 4-6 hours of Karma Yoga during the event. Sandy has been volunteering at the Karma Yoga table for decades and is there to answer your questions. Sandy and Czarena are our Hub! The table is located at the base of the Lodge steps. There are sign up sheets for a variety of jobs such as serving food, monitoring the dishwashing sinks, cutting strawberries for Saturday night’s shortcake, projects with Breitenbush staff and much more. Along with specific tasks, we ask that you generously lend a hand whenever you see someone in need. It takes a village and SSHR creates the kind of village we all wish we could live in all of the time. Please practice kindness & generosity. You may sign up for the No Talent Show at the Karma Yoga table.


Workshop Central is located on the west end of the Lodge Deck. There you can check out the Workshop Schedule or sign up to teach a workshop. An average of 75-80 workshops are offered during SSHR; from ecstatic dance to enneagrams, erotic spiritual play to alternative energy, singing, drumming. The range of workshops is astounding!

Do you have something you’d like to share in a workshop? Pre-register to offer your workshop (HERE)

Alternative Healing

Do you practice energy work, nutrition, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, tarot, astrology? Whatever your modality, come share your gift with someone in need. Alternative Healing is located in and around the Forest Shelter. The sign-up sheet for Friday & Saturday is located at the entrance to the Forest Shelter. Those in need of healing may sign up for ONE session during SSHR. Please bring your own sheets if you’re using a massage table for your healing modality.

Note: If your modality doesn’t need a private room, we encourage you and your client to meet next to the sign up sheet, and then find a quiet outdoor spot where you can share your gifts.

Youth Village

SSHR is a multi-generational event. Three of our SSHR Council members grew up attending this event. Youth Village offers a safe and creative space for 4-18 year olds during afternoon workshops. Parents must sign their children in before leaving them. Younger children can be accompanied by a parent. Youth Village offers a wide-variety of crafts and fun activities with an excellent adult to child ratio. Safety is key!

We offer a special space for teens. There is a mandatory teen space orientation with Taylor and other Youth Village Volunteers on Thursday night at 7:30. Come eat snacks, connect with friends old and new, and learn about using the teen space.

If you have children attending Summer Solstice please complete this form so we can plan accordingly.

Except during Youth Village hours, childcare is the responsibility of parents. Breitenbush requires that children under 13 must be supervised at all times by an adult 16 or older. Children under 4 must have an adult over 18 with them at all times.

Rituals & Entertainment

Thursday Evening at 7:30 there is an Open Ceremony on the Front Lawn. Come sing and move with us. Much has changed around Breitenbush. Attend this ceremonial circle to learn where safety features are and how to have a fantastic SSHR.

Join Tom & Aiyana for an immersive Sound and Soul Awakening Journey—a vibrational embrace designed to reset your nervous system, clear your energy, and bathe you in the resonance of Pure Love. This isn’t just music—it’s an experience of sonic sensations and group energy clearing that invites healing, insight, and a profound sense of belonging.

✨ Ground into the deep, primal resonance of didgeridoos.

✨ Be enveloped by waves of gongs, dissolving tension and opening pathways of renewal.

✨ Let crystal singing bowls and Native American flutes lift you into spacious presence.

Lay back, snuggle in, and receive. With didgeridoos, Tibetan and crystal bowls, gongs, hand pan, flutes, shamanic drum, and channeled voice they’ll weave a sonic field that melts tension and opens your heart.

Bring blankets and pillows for your comfort. Arrive early to settle in. Snuggle up with loved ones or claim space for yourself. Come as you are, leave feeling lighter, grounded, and attuned to the energy of the Solstice Celebration. 💛


Friday Evening is the Talent Show in the North Wing. 

We start with The Kids’ Talent Show at 7:00. No advanced sign-up is needed. Come be delighted by adorableness!

At 8:00 we have the Know Talent Show (it used to be The No Talent Show but that was a complete misnomer.) There’s a sign-up sheet at the Karma Yoga table until 4:00PM on Friday. If you don’t sign up ahead of time, you can perform after everyone has shared their magic. The SSHR Community is incredibly talented and supportive. Be brave. Have fun!

Saturday Evening is the Ritual on the Front Lawn. 

Our theme this year is “Sprinkle Kindness Like Confetti” - How can we embody the loving kindness of Summer Solstice Healing Retreat and share it with the world?

Johanna Beekman will be leading singing during the ritual. See more about Johanna below.

Immediately following the Ritual, Robin Jackson, who has been attending Summer Solstice since he was a little boy, will be performing with his friends on the Front Lawn. Read more about Robin below.

Sunday Morning we will prepare to say goodbye. Please be out of your accommodations by 11AM. 

The Adult Giveaway Circle is a treasured SSHR tradition. Bring a favorite something you’re ready to part with and place it on the parachute on the Front Lawn. During our closing ritual you will be handed a wand and can choose a special memento to take home with you. Please be mindful of how long you look, others are waiting their turn. Let something special find you. 

Summer Solstice Healing Retreat is blessed with amazing musicians and music jams around every corner.
This year we’re featuring two of our own regular attendees.

Johanna Beekman

Johanna Beekman is an internationally acclaimed singer/songwriter, chant/kirtan artist, yoga teacher, vocal teacher, recording artist, and event producer.

Johanna is loved for her rich, soulful voice, her radiant spirit, and her inspiring songs and chants that tap deeply into our collective soul. She sings and teaches at leading festivals, studios, churches, and other live and online venues. Her songs have been nominated for several music awards and best-of-the-year playlists. In 2022 Johanna became a voting member of the Grammy Recording Academy.

Johanna incorporates her music into her uniquely restorative Lullaby Yoga classes and her Free Your Soul’s Voice Playshops. Her highly praised Mantra Sangha video brings together artists from all around the globe to support the education of Nepali children. Johanna also produces and co-produces several yoga and conscious music festivals to celebrate our shared humanity.

For more information about Johanna, visit johannasings.com.

Robin Jackson & Friends

“A catchy and captivating song-crafter, a true storyteller” –NPR

An award-winning songwriter, teacher, activist, and spirited impresario, Robin Jackson has built on his colorful bohemian upbringing and dedicated himself to creating connection through art and music. For more than a decade with Vagabond Opera and MarchFourth!, he has performed everywhere from Red Rocks to the World Cup, with everyone from The Decembrists and Amanda Palmer to The Polish Ambassador. In 2010, Robin founded the Songwriter Soiree, a nationally recognized organization dedicated to nurturing songwriting prowess and creative interdependence. He currently leads his band, the Caravan, playing an eclectic brew of cathartic folk-pop, whimsical Americana, and enigmatic storytelling. He has released three albums as a solo artist, Dust Diaries (2010), Dark Stars (2017), and recently, Silver Linings (2025), leading to critical acclaim in the US and viral popularity in China.

FOLLOW: https://linktr.ee/robinjackson

IG: / robinjackson FB: / robinjacksonmusic

What About Covid?

Thanks for asking! It’s still around and we want to keep Breitenbush and our SSHR Community safe. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms or have tested positive for COVID, please stay home. Send an email to sshr@breitenbush.com with the subject line COVID and your name and let us know your plight. 

We are a caring community. Feel free to mask up, especially during larger inside gatherings such as Thursday night’s Sacred Sound Journey and Friday night’s Talent Shows. Let’s keep each other safe in every way possible.

Nudity and Consent

During SSHR, nudity is allowed in most public spaces at Breitenbush. The exceptions are: the parking lot, kitchen, meal line, Lodge interior, and at Youth Village. We’re all naked underneath our clothes, and we get to shed them during SSHR if we want to.

Nudity is not an invitation for sexual overtures. We want this event to feel safe for everyone. If you feel someone is approaching you inappropriately, use your voice and tell them to “stop”. If someone offers a massage and it starts feeling yucky - say “STOP”. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, do not suffer in silence. Speak with a member of the SSHR Council or someone who makes you feel safe. We will investigate. We’ve banned participants who have behaved inappropriately in the past, and we will intervene and expel any offender from the gathering if their behavior warrants it. We will talk about consent during the Opening Ceremony on Thursday evening.

Cameras are not allowed near or at the Hot Spring Pools and Sauna. Please ask permission before taking photos, especially if the subject is nude.

Medical Help Is Available 24/7

We are blessed to have the Breitenbush Fire Department (BFD) nearby. We have trained emergency medical providers on radio throughout SSHR. If you need medical assistance you can ask anyone with a radio to call for help for you or use an emergency call box. Emergency call boxes are located at the Gatehouse, Lodge Lobby, and Spiral Tubs. 

There is a medical tent with basic first aid supplies available across from the Food Service Tent on the Villa Green. Members of the Breitenbush Fire Department (the BFD) Medical Team are available 24-hours a day for medical emergencies. There is a radio available on the table if you, or someone else, is experiencing a medical emergency.

    • Personal food utensils (plates, bowls, cups, forks and spoons)

    • Camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, pad, pillow, rain-fly and tarp)

    • K95/KN95 masks encouraged

    • Towel, non-glass water bottle & biodegradable toiletries

    • Flashlight, natural insect repellent & sunscreen

    • Warm clothes and rain gear.

    • Boots, work gloves, and tools for outside work

    • Something to give at the Giveaway Circle

    • Musical Instruments

    • Ritual Garb

    • Blankets and cozies for Thursday night’s Sacred Sound Journey and Saturday night’s Ritual

    • Pets

    • Alcohol/other recreational drugs

    • Camp stoves of any sort

    • Candles & incense

    • Scented perfumes, etc

    • Electric appliances

    • Glass containers

    • Bicycles

    • This retreat is an intoxicant free event, no recreational drugs or alcohol.

    • We DO NOT have public phones available. The nearest phone is in Detroit, 10 miles away. Cell phones do not work at Breitenbush.

    • Our accommodations have no locks, so please leave your valuables at home or in your car.

    • Swimsuits are optional and most people do not wear them.

    • For SSHR, nudity is allowed in all areas, with the exception of the parking lot, Lodge, Youth Village and meal lines.

    • If you do use sunscreen, please be sure to use only natural and unscented products and use a washcloth to wipe it off before soaking.

Conserve Our Resources

Isn’t it cool that Breitenbush is off-the-grid and uses alternative energy! PLEASE make this possible by conserving electricity and water. Use the porta-potties and help us keep them clean. Take quick showers. 

Be Mindful Be Safe

Be mindful where you dispose of your food waste. We have bears around here and we had a cougar on the prowl a few years ago during SSHR. 

You’re off-grid in a forest that recently went through a fire. Please stay on the paths unless you’re working on a Karma Yoga project. We continue to cut down trees that pose a danger.  The ground could appear solid and be hollow below the surface due to roots that have burned away underground. Please don’t stray from established trails. All of the forest hiking trails are still closed.

The Breitenbush Store

Coffee? Snacks? The Breitenbush Store has lots to offer. Help support Breitenbush by purchasing yummies and treasures. The Breitenbush Store is located in the Lodge. The hours are posted on the door. 

Final Note:


If you have a complaint, please talk with Stacy, Sandy or any other Council Member. PLEASE don’t complain to the Breitenbush Staff.  

Breitenbush is still recovering from the financial devastation of Covid and the fire. It’s operating with a much smaller workforce and the Breitenbush Staff works hard. If you’re unhappy about something - tell Sandy about it in Karma Yoga or talk to Stacy. We will address your concerns through the proper Breitenbush channels. 

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Please be out of your accommodation by 11am on Sunday, and plan to be out of the parking lot by 2pm. There will be a $40 late fee.

🎶 The Cars Leave the Parking Lot at 2 o’Clock! 🎶See You All Next Year! 🎶


May This Be The Best Solstice EVER!!!

Do you have a question that wasn’t answered here? Email questions to SSHR@breitenbush.com 

The Office Team doesn’t have the answers to SSHR questions. They won’t be able to help you.