Breitenbush Hot Springs

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By AnnaBelle Bettger

As reliably as water systematically falls from the sky, I too have a reliable system of self-guiding practice. Wake up & Pray. A principle practice that leads me back to my inherent orientation of homeostasis within the natural world. It is vital to my health. Praying has led me to numerous places and taught me copious nuances about who I am. Above all its strengthened my innate ability to listen and receive. To listen to the accuracy of my intuitive compass, that which leads me to my truth moment to moment. This potential to perceive the truth of authentic self-magnificence is done through the silence of witnessing myself and nature. For me witnessing thyself is accomplished through the facilitation of my own natural resource that is breath. Noticing the wonder of breath has led me to acknowledge the ability of personal discernment and intuition through prayer. Allowing prayer to be both asking and receiving.  My comprehension of prayer allows me to be a conduit for truth to sparkle. The direction my intuitive sparkle has guided me in today is, the truth to be BOLD.  Bold is more than a mere font style:  it’s a lifestyle. Not self-righteous, simply bold: defined as acting from a place of authentic gravity or significance, rather than from a place of conviction based on self-asserted intelligence. To be unapologetically bold is as natural as the weather of the Pacific NorthWest.