
By skye darkness mccloud


We live in a so-called civilized world which has severed itself from the planet.

We mine the Earth.  Cultivation has essentially ceased.  We no longer feel at home.

What is the longest you have lived in one place?

Up until Breitenbush, I had never lived anywhere for longer than seven years.  I have been living in Community of one sort or another for half my life now and have been living at Breitenbush for 15 and 1/2 years.

I have come to see a fundamental flaw in the basic nature of what I shall call Western Capitalist Culture [which is now worldwide], which is the dissolution of being human with a connection to the Earth.


We have no Roots.

I don’t even think that my living in a place for 15 and 1/2 years [roughly 1/4] of my life even qualifies...

But it certainly is a start.

And it feels strange and a bit alienating.

Who stays in one place?

Well for me, I feel like one of the wealthiest beings on the planet.

How many people on the planet get to say...

"I adore what I do...

I adore where I live"


I am embraced by forest for a significant amount of miles in just about every direction.  

I [unlike almost every other person on the planet] can drink the water out of the River that runs through my village.

I have [in comparison to almost everyone else] a limited exposure to electromagnetic fields...non existent cell phone coverage and limited WiFi.

I breathe some of the freshest air on the planet [in a day and age where i hear there is now no place on the planet without air pollution…]

Of the something like seven different factors [might have been 9] that produce negative ions [which could be one of the most significant factors for cultivating health & well-being] Breitenbush lacks only thunderstorms.

I don’t know anywhere else on the planet that would provide me with the abundant wealth my home does.

& I long to send my Roots deeper.

I think a more significant internet lies beneath my feet.

I am Growing Roots.


Flow Dynamics = Being in the Flow + Peak Performance


Longevity and the Cycle of Life